CASA of Park and Sweet Grass Counties
CASA of Park and Sweet Grass Counties is a 501 (C) (3) nonprofit organization that provides volunteer advocates to represent the best interests of child abuse or neglect victims. CASA of Park and Sweet Grass Counties serves the Sixth Judicial Court District and is affiliated with both Montana CASA/GAL Association and the National CASA Association. Our organization covers 100% of child abuse and neglect cases in this district.

CASA volunteers fight on behalf of abused and neglected children for a safe, permanent home. We are proud to serve 100% of child abuse and neglect cases in Park and Sweet Grass Counties.

Become a CASA volunteer and give back in a way you never imagined. Local children are suffering and you can fight for their future.

CASA provides a voice to children who have none. As a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization we would not exist without our dedicated supporters, board members, and volunteers.